Side Effect of Cold Drink

Side effects of cold drinks Bone weekend Almost all cold drinks contain carbon dioxide and phosphoric acid which weakens bones and teeth. Apart from this, mixed caffeine also absorbs calcium from our bones. This leads to tooth-individual weakness and tooth decay. weight gain The cold drink contains a large quantity of sugar. It leads to rapid insulin flow. To handle this, our liver starts transitioning extra sugar to fat. People who drink more cold drinks, they can increase their weight faster. diabetes Those who have diabetes complaints should be kept away from cold drinks. Very sweetness found in them may prove harmful to you. Whether it is food soft drinks too. Because it contains esportum salt chemistry which enhances blood sugar. The invasion According to Columbia University research, people who drink 14 containers or soft drinks bottles a week, the chances of anger and aggression are doubled compared to other people. Tension According to recent research, those who drink soft drinks have problems in stress and depression due to the chemicals found in beverages. It is not that those who drink these drinks sometimes suffer these losses too. These problems are for those who drink daily or more soft drinks, especially children and young people whose day is not complete without soft drinks.


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