
Showing posts from July, 2020


In the earlier blog, we gave information about  Mineral resources of rajasthan . In this blog,we will talk about the Physiographic regions of rajasthan part 2 . Through questions we try to give you information about  Physiographic regions of rajasthan part 2  .     Loading…


In the earlier blog, we gave information about Mineral resources of rajasthan . In this blog,we will talk about the Physiographic regions of rajasthan. Through questions we try to give you information about  Physiographic regions of rajasthan .     Loading…

Rajasthan gk | Mineral resources of rajasthan

In the earlier blog, we gave information about  agriculture of rajasthan  .In this blog,we will talk about the Mineral resources of rajasthan. Through questions we try to give you information about  Mineral resources of rajasthan . Loading…

Rajasthan gk | Agriculture of rajasthan

In the earlier blog, we gave information about the desert of rajasthan .In this blog,we will talk about the agriculture of rajasthan. Through questions we try to give you information about  agriculture of rajasthan . Agriculture of rajasthan Loading…


The Board of Secondary Education of Rajasthan has already released the result of Class 12th commerce and Science, now today the result  of Arts Class come soon today at 3.15, which you can see and download result directly from link given below. Download Result -  Click here                                         

Rajasthan gk | Rajasthan desert

Rajasthan desert  In the earlier blog, we gave information about the  National park of rajasthan . In this blog, we will talk about Rajasthan desert.Through questions we try to give you information about  Rajasthan desert . Rajasthan desert  Loading…

Rajasthan gk | Transportation of Rajasthan

Transportation of Rajasthan  In the earloer blog, we gave information about the  National park of rajasthan  .In this blog,we will talk about the Transportation of Rajasthan . Through questions we try to give you information about Transportation of Rajasthan. Transportation of Rajasthan  Loading…

Rajasthan gk | National park of rajasthan

National park of rajasthan In the earloer blog, we gave information about the  drainage system of rajasthan . In this blog,we will talk about the National park of rajasthan. Through questions we try to give you information aboutNational park of rajasthan. National park of india  Loading…

Rajasthan gk | drainage system of rajasthan

Drainage system of rajasthan  In the earloer blog, we gave information about the climate of rajasthan. In this blog,we will talk about the drainage system of rajasthan Through questions we try to give you information about drainage system of rajasthan . Drainage system of rajasthan quiz Loading…

Rajasthan geography | Climate of rajasthan

Climate of rajasthan  In the earloer blog, we gave information about the soil of rajasthan. In this blog,we will talk about the climate of rajasthan.Through questions we try to give you information about climate of rajasthan. Climate of rajasthan quiz  Loading…

Rajasthan geography | soil of Rajasthan quiz

Soil of Rajasthan                                                   In the earloer blog, we gave information about the location of rajasthan. In this blog,we will talk about the soil of rajasthan.Through questions we try to give you information about soil of rajasthan. Soil of Rajasthan quiz Loading…


Today is the time of advanced cash and plastic cash, however it was not so in the start of humanity. As people created, The methods of exchanging and working together at first things were purchased by giving things, which we have heard ordinarily from our granddad. However, today it isn't care for that toward the start of the advancement of development, people began a common exchange with deal and afterward made coins. Numerous lords made the cash of their realm as coins. So these coins any worth even in the present current time?  Since in numerous nations of the world, those old coins are as yet present, which are certainly shut in the pattern, however because of their end of stamping and getting antiquated, the market estimation of these coins is high. So in the present video, we will discuss the 10 generally extraordinary and significant coins throughout the entire existence of humanity, what is their name? WhaT does it cost? 1) Double Eagle Coin 1849 : 20 Million US Dollar 2) F...

Rajasthan geography | Location of Rajasthan quiz in hindi

RAJASTHAN GK QUIZ Rajasthan gk itself is a very big topic.In this post we will ask some important question about rajasthan gk. so you revise yourself. In this website we will be able to complete the geography of rajasthan from topic wise question.First topic of rajasthan is 'laocation of rajasthan'. Rajasthan geography | Location of Rajasthan quiz Loading…